Personal loans are provided by various banks and non banking financial companies (NBFCs). There are various factors which effect the your personal loan eligibility. Below mentioned are some of the few factors which the bank or the NBFC will consider while they decide on your personal loan eligibility.
Some of the general criteria to be met to get a personal loan are listed below:
- The applicant should have an income of not less than Rs,15,000 per month.
- For salaried applicants, the age should be not less than 21years and not more than 60 years.
- For the self-employed applicants, the age should not be less than 23years and not more than 65 years.
- Some banks also require that the applicant has been residing in the same place for at least a year.
- To get the loan approved, the applicant has to show proof of income, identity proof, address proof and bank statements.